Lifestyle Session - Whitehouse, TX
Try as we might, this little guy decided he was going to arrive early at 29 weeks despite everyone’s efforts. You can visit HERE to see a 10 minute video compilation from his 70 day stay in NICU at Christus in Tyler. Our hearts are so happy he is now home and the Carter family of four is now all under one roof. This session was cut super short because his aunt went into labor with his cousin. So stay tuned for additional images :)
“Look at everything as though you are seeing it for the first time, with eyes of a child, fresh with wonder.” - Joseph Cornell
As a mother, watching your child go through the loss of a child makes you feel utterly helpless. As a grandmother it is a double edged sword of grief.
Now, one year to the date, after the loss of our precious Rhett, I see Jessica’s words below (taken from her social media post) and it brings tears to my eyes and my heart swells with gratitude as I could not have said it any better. ❤️
“2022 was the most challenging year. It’s been so hard not to question everything, and honestly, I have struggled more this year with the trials we were thrown. Grief from losing Rhett, a high risk pregnancy shortly after, sickness after sickness after sickness in our family, being put on bedrest at 27 weeks pregnant, delivering Brooks at 29 weeks, postpartum complications that landed me back in the hospital, the 10 long weeks in the NICU, to now - where we’re all home - which is GREAT - but brings about a different level of anxiety [and sleep deprivation].
But I look at this picture, and I see J O Y. Joy that can only come from Jesus. God abundantly blessed us this year. He blessed us with a pregnancy shortly after losing Rhett. He blessed me with REST, telling me to slow down. He blessed us with a great team of doctors, who listened to me & my body and prevented another loss. He blessed us with amazing nurses & providers in the NICU who ensured Brooks was healthy & truly ready to come home. He blessed me with T I M E. Time to spend with my family, especially during this holiday season. He blessed us with a beautiful baby. Even on a few hours of sleep, I will continue to praise Him for these blessings. Becoming a mom helped further my understanding of God’s love for His children. How wonderful it is to be His child!”