P52.2 | Week 15 Puppy Love

"Love is a four legged word"

Meet Sammy, our new miniature schnauzer puppy.  We are smitten with his sweet personality and he is the best cuddle partner while watching a movie.  I'm sure you will be seeing more of this little guy on the blog.  We are continuing our focus on Perspective, with the first month examining the way a choice of lens alters one’s viewpoint. This week we are seeking to isolate our subject, whether through the use of a telephoto lens or otherwise.

Telephoto lenses bring distant subjects close by magnifying the scene and, consequently, we are able to view only a smaller portion of it at a time. Moreover, telephoto lenses tend to create a shallow depth of field and compress the background, leaving less environment surrounding a subject, and that environment is often quite blurred. For this reason, portrait artists often use longer focal lengths, so that their subject remains prominent in the frame and other elements are reduced. The consequence, of course, is that the photographer then has fewer elements with which to tell her story.  Be sure and visit the collaborative site "Who We Become" to see everyone's images in one place.




Justin 2014 | Whitehouse, TX Senior Photographer


P52.2 | Week 14